Since 1926, we have been making ‘Seva’, a portal of change for a better future.

Our Legacy

Our Legacy

A Brief History of Tarachand Ramnath Seva Trust

In 1926, Late Shri (Late). Raobahadur Hanmantramji Rathi initiated charitable giving in Pune, the place where he lived. After a contribution of over six decades, Shri Shrikantji Hanmantramji Rathi (Son of Raobahadur Hanmantramji Rathi) established the Tarachand Ramnath Seva Trust (the Trust) in the year 2007 and committed 1 Anna (6.25%) of the family’s annual income to ensure a deeper commitment to social change.

The organization's approach has transitioned from a traditional charitable one to a more philanthropic, problem-solving mode focussed on social change with the involvement of the next generation of the family. 

It feels great to be recognized for the initiative that we brought out to prevent the cause of addiction through our "SAIYAM"-An Anti-Addiction Initiative for Pune's youth by Tarachand Ramnath Seva Trust in partnership with Jnana Prabodhini's Institute Of Psychology

Our strength lies in the ability to adapt to the needs of the present day challenges while being true to our deep rooted family values of altruism. On the journey of creating social change and contributing towards  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 3, 4, 11, 17), the Trust has strategically designed its interventions, focused on healthcare, education, urban development and heritage preservation. 

In order to effect long-term sustainable change, our initiatives stress on prevention as key for positive social transformation. The Trust aspires to create an ecosystem where communities are empowered to identify and tackle the underlying causes of specific social issues. From empowering underprivileged children with quality education and running anti-addiction initiatives for the youth to providing modern healthcare facilities for marginalized groups and creating a safety net for the vulnerable families of the Maheshwari community, the Tarachand Ramnath Seva Trust seeks to work with communities to create a better tomorrow. 

Guided by a legacy of compassion and the joy in giving, the Tarachand Ramnath Seva Trust has transformed its philanthropic approach from a need based charity to a strategic planning.